Fish and Men

Posted: August 20, 2011 in Ramblings of a sober Poet
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Fish and men

I saw a fish
Drowning in dry air
Flapping helplessly
Boys and girls jumped ecstatically
Surrounding the dying piece of silver
Flapping helplessly
Hoping for a merciful hand.
The sanctuary of its watery domain
Only A good heart away.

 ©Richard Quaz Roodt(2011)

This poem is linked to  d’Verse Poets pub  Poetics–Texture

  1. Claudia says:

    ah – not nice of those boys and girls…hopefully there was someone in the end, throwing the poor fish back into the water

  2. To me, this is a good example of being aware and observing in the moment. So many wouldn’t even notice like you have. I think this is the role of the poet–to call attention to what is. Thanks for sharing this at dVerse, Richard.

  3. brian says:

    ugh…sad for the fish…the drying piece of silver will slowly become frozen in death if no one helps…nice capture of a moment….

  4. Children are removed from the fishes plight, adults aren’t. Keen observation. Glad the fish made it!

  5. Ah, the texture of cruelty, glad of the happy ending!

  6. kez says:

    love your pic …and love the memory being brought to the forefront of slippy, slimy. silvery fish I would have been one of them silly girls …..thank you

  7. tashtoo says:

    This moment you have captured…ugg! My husband loves fishing, guess you could call it his “art”, he takes it very seriously…so you can imagine how well it goes over when I’m sitting on the river bank in tears crying over the caught fish. Funny…he doesn’t ask me to come along any more, hmmm.

  8. Reflections says:

    You really hooked me with this one… poor fish, I’d throw you back.

  9. David King says:

    This is so many things – and then it’s not: it’s quirky – and then I read it again, and it’s not; it’s serious – and then I read it again and it’s fun. Well, yes, definitely it’s fun – I’ve decided! Well done!

  10. I’m glad to meet you. Glad you came to the Poetry Jam. Glad to read your work. Left a comment here before but forgot to post it. A good voice, you got. Strong. Good with the last line. That’s a talent. I’ve read three of yours tonight. Time well spent. Maybe I’ll see you at my place. Maybe I’ll see you next week. Keep it up.

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